Investment conditions of ACCOUNTING, AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING SERVICES (CPC 862) in Vietnam

  • Base:


– Law on Independent Auditing No. 67/2011 / QH12 dated 29/3/2011

– Accounting Law No. 88/2015 / QH13 dated 20/11/2015

– Decree 17/2012 / ND-CP dated 13/03/2012

– Decree No. 174/2016 / ND-CP dated 30/12/2016

  • Condition:

1. WTO, FTAs, AFAS: No restrictions.

2. Vietnamese law

2.1. Accounting services

a) Form of enterprise: Foreign accounting service business enterprises shall provide accounting services in Vietnam in the following forms: (i) Contributing capital to accounting service enterprises established and operating in Vietnam. Vietnam to set up an accountancy service business enterprise; (ii) establishment of branches of foreign accounting service enterprises; (iii) Provision of cross-border services in accordance with government regulations.

b) Ownership:

– A member being an organization shall be entitled to contribute no more than 35% of the charter capital of accounting service liability companies with two or more members. In cases where many organizations contribute capital, their total contributed capital shall not exceed 35% of the charter capital of accounting service liability companies with two or more members.

– Accountancy service limited liability company must have at least 02 capital-contributing members who are accountants registered for practice at the company. Capital contributed by practicing accountants must account for over 50% of the charter capital of the company.

c) Scope of activities:

To work as an accountant, to work as a chief accountant, to make financial statements, to provide accounting consultancy and to perform other tasks within the accounting work in accordance with the provisions of this Law to organizations and individuals. have demand.

2.2. Auditing services

a) Form of investment: Foreign auditing enterprises shall conduct auditing activities in Vietnam in the following forms: (i) To contribute capital to auditing enterprises established and operating in Vietnam; (ii) Establishment of a branch of foreign auditing enterprise; (iii) Providing cross-border auditing services in accordance with Government regulations.

b) Ownership ratio

– A member being an organization is allowed to contribute up to 35% of the charter capital of the limited liability company with two or more members. In cases where many organizations contribute capital, the total capital contributed by organizations shall not exceed 35% of the charter capital of the audit limited liability company with two or more members.

– Capital contributed by practicing auditors must account for over 50% of the charter capital of the enterprise.

c) Scope of activities:

– Auditing services, including audit of financial statements, audit of operations, compliance audit, audit of finalization reports of completed projects, audit of financial statements for tax purposes and audit work. Other maths.

– Services for financial reports, financial information and other security services.

– Other services: economic, financial and tax consultancy; Management consultancy, transformation and restructure of enterprises; Consulting on information technology application in the management of enterprises and organizations; Accounting services in accordance with the law on accounting; Asset valuation and business risk assessment; Financial, accounting and auditing training services; Other related services in finance, accounting and taxation in accordance with the law.



Trong mọi trường hợp do tính cập nhật của văn bản biểu mẫu pháp luật và sự khác nhau của từng tình huống, việc tự áp dụng sẽ dẫn đến hậu quả không mong muốn.
Để được tư vấn hướng dẫn trực tiếp cho tất cả các vướng mắc, đưa ra lời khuyên pháp lý an toàn nhất, quý khách vui lòng liên hệ Luật sư - Tư vấn pháp luật qua điện thoại 24/7 (Miễn phí) số: 1900.0191 để gặp Luật sư, Chuyên viên tư vấn pháp luật.

Bộ phận tư vấn pháp luật – Công ty luật LVN
